01902 499400 [email protected]


Quality and Environment

Quality and Environment

Asset VRS continues to strive towards becoming a sustainable organisation and will continue to implement sustainable development to enable the company to become a more successful business.

As a business Asset VRS recognise the importance of the environment, not just as a physical entity but with regards to job specific pollution, i.e. noise and vibration. These forms of pollution are monitored on a regular basis and are reflected in comprehensive method statements and risk analysis.

As part of Asset’s standard process route, regular audits are carried out on installations and uplift removals of our National Highway Sector Schemes 10B (incorporating NHSS2B&5B), accredited installation teams. The feedback from these audits include the identification of both good and best practices which are then fed back into product specific training courses provided by Asset’s technical and training team.

Our comprehensive training of installers and staff includes environmental awareness, and we continually strive to ensure that we exceed our legal and moral environmental obligations.

All of Asset’s current accreditations and certificates can be found here.